You will have to spend a great deal of energy working on your indie game's advertising campaign. Since you will likely have no budget for advertising, here are some free options to get the word out about your game.
Early on in the development of your indie game you can register it on the following websites to get the word of mouth going about your product. I suggest doing this once you have the basic mechanics going and relatively polished graphics (no programmer art). You will need screen shots, banners, a homepage etc...
indieDB /
modDB /
slideDB Register your Indie Game while it's in Progress. Register your game once on any of these sites and it will be featured on all 3 since these sites are owned by the same people. Registering your game in development here is a must since these are very popular websites and will give your game great exposure. All they ask is that you keep updating the status of your game as it develops to keep followers up to date on your progress.
Here you can submit your game for review to the editors using the email provided on the
website. They mostly like to review games in the alpha, beta or released stage but if
you have enough content available and write a good email you may get your game reviewed
at an earlier stage.
GMWRK Post your game in progress on GMWRK. This site is all about sharing your project as it develops and a great way to get feed back and raise awareness for your indie game project. You can also setup links to all your content. You will have to fill in the application form to get an invitation to sign up. You will need a homepage or someplace that explains your game for the registration.
gameJolt You can showcase your game in progress on GameJolt. The only issue here is that they only accept free to play games and do not want to advertise any games that will be sold at any point in time (This also means no ads on the game). If your game fits this description then you can advertise it on GameJolt.
One of the hardest parts of releasing your Indie Game to the public is to setup your advertising campaign. You can Advertise your game with web based game journalists and YouTubers who have large followings and review Indie Games.
One Game's DLC Costs $3000 (And That's On Sale)
Everyone likes to complain about how developers try to nickel and dime their audience with paid downloadable content. But this game takes the cake. It’s insane.Read more...[...]
Posted on 30 September 2015 | 9:00 pm
At Least Mirror's Edge 2 Has Got The Music Right
I’m one of those people who could forgive Mirror’s Edge’s sins. It remains one of my favourite games, one I still play regularly, and a big part of that is down to its soundtrack.Read more...[...]
Posted on 30 September 2015 | 8:30 pm
PC Gamer’s Christopher Livingston wanted to know if you could build an entire Cities: Skyline metrop
PC Gamer’s Christopher Livingston wanted to know if you could build an entire Cities: Skyline metropolis underneath a highway off-ramp. Turns out that’s poor urban planning.Read more...[...]
Posted on 30 September 2015 | 8:20 pm
OK, NBA2K16, That Sure Is An Intro
NBA2K16 is a AAA sports game with a big budget, big licensing, superstars on the cover and an ambitious singleplayer campaign helmed by an Academy Award-nominated director . Believe it or not, then, this is the game’s intro.Read more...[...]
Posted on 30 September 2015 | 7:30 pm
Our friends at Kotaku UK explain why video games cost what they do, and investigate where that money
Our friends at Kotaku UK explain why video games cost what they do, and investigate where that money actually goes.Read more...[...]
Posted on 30 September 2015 | 5:45 pm